Minggu, 22 November 2015

my school life

I study In SMAN 3 Bandung, as I wrote on my profile.

 At first I thought study in SMAN 3 is very difficult. I don’t know whether it is because the courses or friends. I am in first grade and I take Science as my major. I think I am still in adaptation stage to new environment, so I think it is difficult. The courses is quite hard to understand if we do not take another course outside school, and I do not have many friends, so I feel quite awkward. Now I try to enjoy it, though at first I have bad grades on my exam and I have to retest. I think it is only I that have to retest, but almost all students have to retest it too, only a few student do not take the test again. I have to adapt with the schedule, in Junior High School I still can relax and have a lot of spare time, in High School it is completely different. I have lots of assignments, exams, and I have class till afternoon every day, it makes me tired. If I do not enjoy it I will be stress, I just have to try to enjoy it. Lately, my friends and I are busy with our extra-activities at school. At my school we can choose any extra-activities after the mid-term. Extra-activities are the only escape from all these school things hahahah. There are many extra-activities at SMAN 3, which are, komisi, SPED, jamadagni, TST, futsal, scout, PMR, SEF, trilogy, mp3, jepret, Classical music, band3, and many more. I join 2 activities, I do not want to take more than 2 because it will make me very busy. I join the koperasi milik siswa 3, I join this because I want to learn business, but we do not have any activity right now. Another one is jepret which is photography class, I join it because I want to learn how to use camera properly, I say “why have a camera? If you do not know how to use it.” In jepret we learn how to take a good picture properly. The seniors are nice, they never force us to take a good picture and give us a lot of assignments, the always support us to do our best.

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